Stop The Stigma!
TOS has a mission!
We want to create awareness about hoarding to allow the people who suffer from it to have a safe place to seek help, not only for themselves but for those around them affected by it. We want to remove the fear of persecution and create a space of safety and hope for this increasingly damaging and deadly disorder.

Understanding Different
Bibliomania Hoarding
When a person collects books, newspapers, and mail in abundance and has a reluctant fear of getting rid of these items for the possibility they may need them later in life.

Animal Hoarding
A person who collects and homes more animals than allowed by their city ordinances. Typically resulting in a very neglectful situation for both the owner and the animals
Compulsive Shopping Hoarding
A compulsive shoppers’ home will mostly consist of piles of shopping bags or piles of items most of which will have price tags on it.This is also true with bargain shopping hoarding.

Collective Hoarding
Compulsive Collectors collect a variety of items and go overboard to the point where it invades the living areas of the home and changes daily routines.
Food Hoarding
Food hoarding typically happens when a person goes a period of time in their life when food was not readily available to them. This trauma tends to make them have illogical thought processes including keeping food far past the expiration date and even consuming spoiled and molded items.

Syllogomania Hoarding
People who keep and even collect trash by dumpster diving or grabbing items from the curbs on trash day. This type of hoarding is one of the most common and the majority of syllogmoniacs suffer from Diogenes which is a disorder which causes extreme self neglect.
Thoughtful and supportive sorting and purging
While coaching my clients we work together to sort and thoughtfully designate items for donation, sell, keep and trash.
1 on 1 coaching during the sorting and purging process.
Hording Inheritance
After discussions with all involved we designate items that need to be sorted and items strictly for donation and trash. This process is quick while remembering to take moments to deal with the trauma of the initial inheritance
If your in need of local resources for trauma/ compulsion/ or wish to be connected with a hoarding specialist in your area please feel free to contact me and I will help connect you with a local specialist for help.
If you are the family member or a 3rd party effected by a hoarding situation we can help! We understand the toll it can take on a person and the many different ways that can manifest. When you are ready please reach out and we will connect you with local support to help you deal with the trauma as well as the physical situation.